Gravel, CX and Under-biking: “Cross”-Training for Iceman

With Iceman just around the corner, it is so tempting to hang up the skinny tires and just ride single track constantly. At least, that’s how I always feel this time of year. Flowy trails, with the leaves changing colors and scattering in the breeze, sounds like heaven to me. I feel pressure to work on my mountain bike skills and find myself hyper-focusing on getting into the woods and sometimes losing sight of all the benefits other forms of riding can have on my single track game. Gravel, Cyclocross, and under-biking all have a solid place in my Iceman training schedule, provided I can see “the forest through the trees” as it were.

Today was my weekly gravel ride and its also my day off of work. It was so tempting to throw my bike on my car and head up to Hardy Dam to ride 40 miles of single track on the newly completed Dragon today. I knew if I did that though, I wouldn’t have the energy to go to the local weekly gravel ride tonight. The reason I don’t want to miss this group ride is two fold. First, is the social aspect. My friends will be there! I want to see them and catch up. If that’s not a good reason to get on a bike, than I don’t know what is. After all, having fun is what its all about, right? Secondly, the second half of the ride is FAST. Is it a different style of riding than single track? Of course, but it helps me work on starting with a large group and not being intimidated by people riding close to me vying for position, just like at the start of a cross country mountain bike race. Plus, this ride is a great work out. It has punchy climbs which can mimic some of the demands needed at Iceman.

In the last couple years I’ve dabbled a bit in cyclocross and under-biking at the suggestion of my friend, Sarah “Rah” Williams and I can not begin to tell you how much its leveled up my mountain bike game. The first time she suggested I take my gravel bike on a single track trail I thought she was straight up crazy. Since then, I have learned that under- biking, or the act of riding your bike on terrain that’s more difficult than what the bike was originally designed for, can have a ton of benefits including improved line choice, increased confidence in sand or mud and overall better bike handling.

Cyclocross is, in my humble opinion, the ultimate expression of under-biking. Single track, deep sand/mud, tight, off camber grass corners on a rigid frame and skinny tires. I mean, how can your skills not level up if you practice that or even better, race it? I’m not going to lie, I’ve never had more fun or been more relieved to get lapped in a race than I have at a cross race. It’s all out the entire time, but there are whiskey hand-ups and what else would you want after 45 minutes of a heart rate at 190? All jokes aside, its the perfect thing to do on a Sunday after a long Saturday single track ride. It will whip you into shape for those punchy Iceman climbs in no time and the skills practice can’t be beat! So don’t hang up those skinnies yet! Get out there and get miles in whatever way brings you joy. If it gets you in the saddle then its applicable to your fall racing. I can’t wait to see you all at Iceman! I’ll bring the whiskey hand ups!

A huge thank you to our 2024 Iceman Ambassador Meg Hagerman @hagermanm

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