Balancing Training with Work/Family

As amateur athletes, we’re a rare breed. Not only do we have to conquer the physical challenges of training and racing, but we have to do it all while balancing full-time jobs, family responsibilities, social lives, and all the other commitments that come with being a working adult in today’s world.

Finding the time to consistently train at a high level while juggling work, kids, relationships, and everything else on your plate is arguably the toughest part for me. The dedication and sacrifice required can lead even the most motivated among us to burn out, lose motivation, or throw in the towel completely.

With some creative strategies and commitment, you can absolutely slay this work-life-training balancing act. The rewards of enhanced fitness, better health, and ongoing athletic achievement are more than worth it. I find my days on the bike help me balance out the life stresses that come around!

Time management is everything! Sure, sacrifices will need to be made (bye aimless Netflix binging), but that’s the name of the game.

Start by blocking off dedicated workout times in your calendar like you would for work meetings or appointments. Literally schedule your training sessions and treat them as inviolable commitments to yourself. This was super helpful for me personally and I could sneak in mid-day breaks when it’s nice out!

During moments of free time, be purposeful about meal prep if that’s your thing, improve sleep habits (less screen time perhaps), and check off other day to day responsibilities. 

If you’ve only got 60-90 minutes, you can crush an intense bike intervals session or weightlifting routine to really move the needle. Short but highly focused workouts can be incredibly productive when designed properly.

Don’t overlook opportunities for stacking workouts either. Can you squeeze in a 30 minute walk or yoga during a lunch break and follow it up with an hour ride after work? Multitasking like this allows you to fit in a ton of volume.

Get your family involved and don’t view training as something that needs to be done in isolation. In fact, finding creative ways to collaborate and include family/friends can be motivating too! On top of getting in solid workouts, you’ll reap the added benefits of quality bonding time and modeling an active lifestyle for your kids. My daughter loves to rip the trails with me. Huge win-win.

Don’t forget to cut yourself some slack occasionally. At the end of the day, we’re human beings with a lot of responsibilities and unavoidable stresses. There will inevitably be periods where training has to take a back seat due to work emergencies, family obligations, illnesses, or other unpredictable challenges.

When setbacks and unavoidable schedule disruptions pop up, don’t let it derail you completely. Adapt as best you can, reset your mindset, and formulate a plan to jump back in as soon as possible. Progress rarely follows a perfectly linear path!

Most importantly, don’t beat yourself up over temporary lapses in training. That’s a surefire way to start spiraling in a negative loop of self-criticism and lose your mojo entirely. Forgive yourself and move forward with intention.

The reality is that successfully juggling training with work and family life is an ongoing process of adjustments and recalibrations. But those of us who can master this delicate balancing act while chasing our athletic dreams will come out more resilient, and more well-rounded individuals overall.

Stay focused, keep pedaling, and don’t be afraid to carve your own unique path!

About the author: Tobi is a passionate mountain biker and ultra endurance gravel cyclist who thrives on pushing his limits in the great outdoors. He has a deep appreciation for nature, savoring the scenic views and challenges of unpaved singletrack trails and long gravel routes. Tobi’s passion for adventure drives him to constantly seek out new ultra endurance gravel races and mountain bike events that take him on new dirt roads. He has participated in the Iceman Cometh Challenge for over a decade. When not hitting the trails or grinding away the miles on gravel, Tobi enjoys camping trips with his family. He is also actively involved with the West Michigan Coyotes youth mountain bike team, where he coaches and rides alongside his daughter, fostering her love for the sport. The solitude of the trails and the invigoration of conquering an ultra-endurance race is what fuels his obsession with mountain biking and gravel cycling.

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