As it turns out, during the wave review process we discovered that some people were less than honest (or there was an obscene amount of typos) when people were requesting the wave they qualify for. This means two things. 1. Wave assignments will not be posted for a bit while we dig through the numbers more thoroughly and 2. All waves will be considered open at this time.
IF you are already registered and have questions about the wave you requested vs. the one you may have qualified for, please check your inbox. We sent out an email with some details.
A note on waves that do fill. If you qualify and apply for a wave that is full, you will be placed on a queue list for that wave. As space opens in the wave, we will move people in the order they were registered. The queue list by wave will be posted after the wave placements are solidified and sent out.
Thanks all for hanging with us as we work through something new.
How do you verify that you were placed in your requested wave?
I would normally be placed in the top 5 waves. Now waves 1-8 are closed. I guess this will be a good year for me to take off. I think this would have been my 10th consecutive year. Bummer
When will know if we got the wave we requested?
What is a wave?
My first race was two years ago in all the mud. I finished around 3:15 but walked for 45 minutes straight in the mud line. I registered last year but couldn’t because shoulder surgery from crash. I donated all money back to you. I would love to race this year can you help me? I should be around wave 20-24 ish. Thanks so much! 🙏🏼
“Liked” an obscene amount of typos
So bummed, I missed wave 2 by 17 seconds…. My question is pending the review of the liars or bad typists, I want to know if I don’t get into wave 3, can I transfer registration to the pro wave? I wish not to have this year’s time affected by starting so far back. I realize that they filled quicker than I anticipated and the busy-ness of life caused me to forget the window for a couple of days. Now I’m stuck with the later wave relegation vs trying to “go pro”.
Any advice would be great. Thanks
Any updates on the wave assignments?
How does one go about requesting a move up in wave? I’m an avid, regular single track rider with 20 years experience, but this is my first race.