After ending a busy season on the Fat bike it usually takes me a while to transition from the Fat bike and indoor trainer season to outdoor riding on the MTB/Gravel bike. It’s my first year riding a Gravel bike and I absolutely love the opportunity to get a lot of gravel miles in on the endless Michigan dirt roads. I’m heading out my front door and the next gravel road is just around the block. A week long trip in March is always something for me to look forward to when the new season starts. I’m usually spending it “down South”, somewhere between, NC, TN and AL. This year I spent time with team mates in and around Asheville, NC and Slade, KY. It’s a great way to wake up those legs and get used to outdoor riding again, as the weather is usually nice and warm where it is still winter in Michigan. Putting in extra miles and getting a good amount of climbing in is an extra motivational boost for me to start spring training. It’s usually a great time with friends and gets my mindset back to summer riding.

Thank you to our 2023 Iceman Ambassador Nina Waschenfelder @ninasmtblife