Can you answer the question, “Why am I riding Iceman?” Really. We all signed up for this by choice, so there must be a reason. I think it’s worth keeping that reason in mind, especially as November 4th nears. Let me explain.
I have two young sons. They are 1 and 3 years old, and will soon be taking on their 1st and 3rd SnoCone races, respectively. My older son has his medals from his two prior SnoCones hanging on hooks in his room (I didn’t stage this photo; this is what it looks like right now), but they aren’t on display just to look at the way I keep mine near my trainer in the basement. These are daily-wear items around our house.

In a few years neither kid will remember much, if anything, from Iceman 2023, so they’re not signed up for the memories. Sure, it’s cute and it’s fun and I’ll probably remember it as a parent, but those reasons aren’t why my kids are signed up either. They’re signed up because of the pride my son felt when someone hung a medal around his neck at the ScoCone finish line in 2021 and 2022. A bunch of grown-ups said he did a good job and gave him a symbol he could wear that made him feel like a superhero. And now he can go put on that medal any time he wants, and even though he probably doesn’t remember the ride itself, what the weather was like, or how terrified he was by the hundreds of adults cheering his name, he does remember that he EARNED that medal, and he still has the pride that came with it.
Kids make the story simpler because they wear their emotions on their sleeves, but the same logic applies to me or you or anyone else you’ll encounter between Kalkaska and Traverse City. Some details will be remembered and some won’t. There’s no way to predict what will happen ahead of time, nor what parts of it you’ll remember in 2 years or 20. So when you find yourself questioning whether you’ve trained right, or what the weather will be like, or how you’re going to handle all the new singletrack, remember one thing. Iceman is an experience no matter how it goes down, and all you have to do to get it is show up and ride.
Have a great race everyone.
Thank you to our 2023 Iceman Ambassador Martin Harris @uncle.martin