To have a healthy mountain biking career you must keep a good diet. Many people tend to look at dieting as a negative thing with lots of greens and gross low calorie dishes, but it’s far from that. Learning how to maintain three meals a day, and keeping your proteins and carbs in-check are very important to being a high endurance mountain biker.
Over that past couple of weeks, I have been taking different supplements for low iron (Anemia), because I have recently found out I have it. These supplements have improved my energy levels and how I feel on a daily basis. Also, I have been meal prepping, which is a very easy way to develop a healthy lifestyle. Building muscle for a race like Iceman can come with its setbacks, but it is very important that as a biker you realize that eating fast foods and random stuff doesn’t cut it. Having red meat and protein daily is very important to performing well in bike racing.

On May 15, I started tracking my energy levels while biking and I have done this to see if my biking and speed has gotten any better. I started to take daily supplements and eat three meals a day. I also noticed that while doing this my energy levels and ability to fall asleep is way easier than before. The first week of taking care of my diet and health I noticed that I was able to climb and sprint way faster than before. The second week I noticed that I was growing muscle and able to recover faster. The third week I felt amazing like I could crush any course or trail I went out on.
Taking care of your body and diet is a main factor to mountain biking, or any hard endurance sport. Fueling your body on and off the bike is #1!! To help fuel on the bike during the month of May I used lots of Skratch Hydration and High Carb in my water for long and hard rides. I also used the Skratch energy chews for a light and quick snack for a fast moving ride.

In the month of May I have learned a lot with my rides so far. I have learned how to eat right, follow directions, and follow the biking laws.
That day we had all learned to never not have a helmet on while biking, and to always to follow the rules of the trails so that nobody gets injured.
I can’t believe it is already June though, I am going to use all of June to prepare for summer races and ICEMAN!! A healthy diet and a healthy mind will help me be able to elevate my riding skills a ton. Hopefully I can see y’all out on the trails soon!!
Thank you to our 2024 Junior Iceman Ambassador Piper Shumar @pipershumar