The importance of recovery

Fall races are here. And there’s a lot of them! With living in this beautiful area it’s hard not to enter in all these amazing events. From an Ironman, to a marathon, to iceman, I’m in the middle of doing it all this fall. Recovery has never been more important for me so I can make it to the start line of the next race. 

I often find that rest days or recovery workouts give many athletes anxiety. I know I used to feel that way. My “rest days” used to consist of power yoga or lifting days because I figured “hey I’m not biking or running today this still counts as rest, right?” Rest days are not only to allow our bodies to heal, but also our minds to recover from the constant go go go that is required to juggle our everyday lives and training.

My top tips for recovery days are:

SLEEP – 8 hours is the goal. I know it’s not always possible with kids, babies, work schedules, but do what you can. Getting a good night sleep can be maximized by avoiding caffeine in the afternoon, skipping that beer or glass of wine with dinner, and staying away from screens at least 1 hour before you hit the hay.

FOOD – just because it’s a rest day, does not mean you need to eat less. Oftentimes you’ll be more hungry on rest days and that is just a sign your body needs that fuel to recover! Listen to your body, it’s smart.

RELAX – this is key for the mental aspect too. I’m normally awake before everyone in my house and my favorite activity before I head to work is making a nice cup of coffee, throwing on my compression boots, and putting on some feel good TV. Sounds silly, but hey everyone has their thing to help them turn their minds off and just chill.

Work hard, rest harder. 

Photo: racing in the Michigan 70.3 half Ironman on September 15, 2024.

Thank you to our 2024 Iceman Ambassador Allyson Klug @allysonklug

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