The last dance, the Catalina Wine Mixer, whatever you want to call it, Iceman is the best way to end a season. From the expo energy to the camaraderie at the start line, to the cheers from the spectators along the way, Iceman is something special. For me, what makes it most special, is how it allows for everyone to feel like a pro.
My first-year racing, I started in wave 39 and I remember making my way in the last bit of single track trying so hard to keep the rubber side down even though I was exhausted. As I neared the end, I heard a loud roar, but I was so confused about where it was coming from. I knew I had started somewhat late in the day but it couldn’t be time for the professional race yet, or at least I hoped I wasn’t missing it!
Upon approaching Icebreaker hill, I saw the huge crowd lining the sides and I was shocked when I realized they were cheering for us, a bunch of age group athletes. We weren’t even the ones in the fast waves, we were the ones bringing up the back and still people were losing their minds. I’m pretty sure the energy from the crowd was the only thing that pushed me up that damned hill that year. The cheering lasted all the way to the finish line. It was seriously one the most amazing things I had ever experienced. This year was my third-year racing and the feeling remains the same, although now I’m not as shocked when I come around that corner. That is what Iceman is known for after all!
At the finish line there is a sea of familiar faces, and everyone has a story about their race. We trade accounts of our rides and wild things that happened along the way. Dropped chains, crashes, funny or not so funny exchanges with fellow racers or spectators, penis pumpkins (I said what I said), costumes, ill- timed deer crossings, the stories are so variable it’s sometimes hard to believe we all rode the same race on the same day.

Then its our turn to become the spectators and cheer on our friends, family, team mates, training partners and bike acquaintances as they come through the finish line after us.We add our energy to the crowd because we know what it felt like to be on that course and the extra boost it gave us to get up that hill and finish strong.
At age group podiums we get to celebrate those who love to ride bikes but also have a job or kids or a mortgage or maybe all three. People who may never get to be professional athletes but for a day get to feel like it and wear their medals with pride.
Then after we have all had our fun and our turn feeling like pros, we get to watch the actual professionals compete. As much as I love racing, this honestly may still be my favorite part of the day. I love the anticipation of waiting for them to come through and speculating about who will be in the lead. Then cheering them on, beverage in hand, as they are giving it their all to get up those hills. Hills that us age groupers suffered up as well only hours before (although likely at a much slower pace). Iceman is a race like no other and It has been the highlight of my racing season for the last three years. I’m already looking forward to next year when I can be back in the woods with 5000 of my closest racing buddies. Cheers to a great day!

This will be Meg’s last Iceman Ambassador blog post for the 2024 Iceman season. A HUGE thank you to her for the time and compassion she put into each of her posts. We will be forever grateful.
THANK YOU to our 2024 Iceman Ambassador Meg Hagerman @hagermanm!