As the 2024 season comes to an end, I have 16 races to look back on, and some races to look forward to in 2025. After sweating, cramping, and lots of miles I feel like I had a successful season. My first group of races were the NMMBA fat bike races, which I only partook in 3 of the 6, because of bad weather and sickness. I won the women’s overall title, and I podiumed in each race I rode. The next race was Barry Roubaix, and then Mud Sweat and Beers. I learned very valuable lessons in each of those races. Not everything goes as planned and sometimes life will throw obstacles at you, but you can’t let that affect your fun and racing. I had lots of training blocks, before I started the MISCA Mountain Bike Series downstate. Those races were definitely out of my comfort zone, and I learned a lot of new techniques throughout the 6 races. I learned the best lesson at states, and that was that no matter what happens your teammates’ success is always important. I had won the State Champ, but I was more excited for my teammate Tori, who had won 1st at the race and moved up overall!!!

Then the big race Iceman came. I was not ready to make the quick switch from 15 mile races to a 30+ mile race. The different riding terrain downstate to Iceman had kicked my body. Iceman was an extremely long race for me, but what can you expect after a long 16 race season? I rode the race and I just enjoyed the new trails and terrain that was added in this year. I finished that race and I was happy to know my season was over, but I was sad knowing that was my last race of 2024. Then I remembered I have all of my races in 2025. My “big” race for next year is going to be MARJI50 and Iceman of course. I couldn’t be happier for this race season, but I am also so very thankful for all the support and help throughout the year. I can’t wait for next season, but for now it’s basketball season for me and off season for many others!!! Thank You So Much!
A HUGE thank you to Piper Shumar @pipershumar for being out first ever Junior Iceman Ambassador!