For the third year in a row the June 9 Love Ludington weekend will feature an attempt to break a world record (actually TWO this year). All we need is 1,500 folks with a bicycle, helmets are strongly encouraged.
The Shoreline Cycling Club is partnering with the Love Ludington committee and hopes to claim the records for the longest parade of bicycles (1,186) as well as the longest line of bikes in a row not moving (1,448).
All events will be at the Gaylord and Tinkham corner of Oriole Field (700 W. Tinkham Ave.)
* Friday packet pick up is from 5-8pm on June 8
* Saturday registration starts at 7:30am, if you picked up your packet Friday you can arrive at 8:30am Saturday
* Parade for record 1 kicks off at 9:30am
* Registering before June 6 at 10pm enters you into a drawing for a $250 gift card (of two available) to either Spindrift Cyclesports or Trailhead Bike Shop.
Riders participating in the first record should have a functional bicycle, a helmet is stongly encouraged, and be able to ride between 3-5 miles to participate. Smaller children and all others who don’t think they can make the ride will be able to participate in the second record.
Riders participating in the second record will line up after the last riders leave Oriole Field, probably around 10:15.
Visit www.shorelinecyclingclub.org to be best prepared for the event. Then remember to stop by Oriole Field Friday night or early Saturday morning during the weekend of the event to pick up your number plate and for children to pick up their free ice cream cone certificate from House of Flavors.