Our security team, in conjunction with Grand Traverse Sheriff’s Office and Metro Fire Department, works to ensure that all participants and spectators have a safe and enjoyable experience while watching the racing action at Timber Ridge Resort. They have compiled a list of some practical “Do’s and Don’ts” that are really basic social etiquette that will keep everything flowing smoothly throughout the afternoon. (All of these suggestions come with a big PLEASE and THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION from all of our staff.)
1. Thou shall race a clean, fair race.
2. Thou shall be Courteous while racing. (Announce yourself when you pass.)
3. Thou shall respect the Handicap Parking area at Timber Ridge for those who truly need it.
4. Thou shall ONLY drink Bell’s Beer in the BISSELL Celebration Zone.
5. Thou shall only pack dry clothes—no beer—in your clothing bags.
6. Thou shall keep moving on the staircases over the course.
7. Thou shall use the bike exit so you don’t have to drag your bike up the stairs.
8. Thou shall update your Ice Society profile with Emergency Contact Info
9. Thou shall support our Sponsors
But most importantly…
10. Thou shall Haul Ass and have a great race!