My Summer Training

I’m a Mountain biker at heart but I have to say Gravel riding provides a great opportunity for me to train during the summer months. I’d consider myself a strong rider especially on technical terrain. My focus this season is to work on my endurance and conquer some long distance races (Lumberjack 100, Moran 166). This is where the Gravel riding comes into place, as I can ride further distance and have a more predictable terrain to train. Living in Southeast Michigan, we have so many gravel roads right in front of our door. I’m able to choose a route that fits my scheduled training, either I can challenge myself with a high elevation route or I keep it steady for my interval training. Even though I prefer a structured training, I also want to keep things fun. I enjoy going on group rides with my friends once or twice a week at a local trail for some party laps and cookout after.

Thank you to our 2023 Iceman Ambassador Nina Waschenfelder @ninasmtblife

Summer favorite places to train

Hey there! As the summer sun lights up the sky, discovering the roads less traveled is one of my go-to’s for staying motivated throughout the summer. Iceman will be here before we know it. So, gear up and let’s dive into my summertime motivation guide!

Explore New Horizons: Summer is the perfect time to break free from routine and explore the uncharted roads. Seek-out new or hidden trails, scenic countryside gravel routes, and embrace the thrill of the unknown. Every ride can be an adventure.

Set Summer Goals: Let’s not wait until fall to start our training. Set mini-goals for the summer, whether it’s achieving a specific mileage, conquering a challenging course, working on technical trail skills or improving your speed. These achievements will build our confidence and keep us focused on the bigger racing goals.

Rise with the Sun: Mornings in summer are pure magic! Wake up early and experience the tranquility of dawn. The crisp air and the promise of a brand-new day is a fantastic way to stay motivated on the sizzling summer days. Overnight rides when you can ride all night and see the sunrise are amazing too (some of my favorite rides are overnight).

Fuel Your Body: Summer brings a bounty of fresh fruits and wholesome foods (the local farmers markets are fantastic!). Take care of your body with nutritious meals, and don’t forget to stay hydrated. Proper nutrition keeps our energy levels up and our body performing at its peak!

Embrace Nature: Take time to appreciate the scenery around you—breathe in the fresh air, feel the breeze, and let nature be your muse. Don’t feel like riding today? Go out and pedal around for 20minutes with no plan, just absorbing the world around you. Great stress reliever too!

Document Your Journey: Capture the memories of your summer rides with photos and videos. Stravarecordings are great and now with videos attached to rides it’s a way to document each one individually.

So, my fellow Iceman peeps, let’s seize this summer and make it a season of determination, adventure, and many campfire stories to tell in November.

Thank you to our 2023 Ambassador Tobi Tungl @tobitungl

Summer Riding Tips

Summer is such a fun time to enjoy the great outdoors in Michigan. Sometimes, it can be easy to have a little bit too much fun! As we juggle busy summer events such as weddings and graduation parties, along with the invites for beach days and down-river floats, it can be easy to let training fall by the wayside. Here are some of my tips for staying in shape while still enjoying everything summer has to offer.

1.) Be proactive. If you are planning vacations or work tips, it’s a good idea to put those in your training schedule as soon as you know about them. It sounds commonsensical, but you’d be surprised how easy it is to forget about the effect travel has on training. You probably shouldn’t try to get off a 5 hour airplane ride and roll right into VO2 max efforts. If you schedule your workouts appropriately, you can focus your intensity training to occur prior to travel. This allows you to enjoy your trip and use it as a recovery period.

2.) Be flexible. You may not be able to take a bike on vacation with you. However, there are other ways to stay fit and have fun. One of my favorite things to do on vacation is to rent a bike or go for a run. You get to really immerse yourself in a city in a way that you just can’t replicate in a vehicle. As a bonus, you may become the person in your travel group that knows where all the cool cafés are! There are a huge number of shops that rent bicycles. A pair of cycling shoes and shorts takes up very little room in your suitcase. If you go through the effort of packing them, you will be far more likely to call a shop and rent a bicycle for a day.

3.) Be intentional. Everyone has different goals. For some people, racing at their very best is the focus of the year. If that’s you, set your intentionality on limiting external distractions. You may need to say no to that beach day invite if you already took an easy day for the week. However, for many of us (myself included), the goal is to squeeze every last drop of fun out of the summer. If that’s the case, then understand that sometimes training will look a little different than the ideal. Sometimes your aerobic rides will be replaced with fun hikes or a quick bodyweight workout in a campground. That doesn’t mean you will be out of shape come November. If you continue to focus on maintaining general bike fitness, the Iceman specific race fitness can be honed in on during September-November.

4.) Be coachable. It is very hard to be unbiased in assessment of oneself. I strongly recommend a coach to help you get the very most out of the time you can commit to training. A coach is not a necessity for having a great time at Iceman. However, if you want to really maximize your training benefit, a coach may be the missing piece of the puzzle.

I hope you have a fantastic summer filled with bikes, friends and fun!

Thank you to our 2023 Iceman Ambassador Elaine Sheikh @elaine_muskrat

5 Mistakes Rookie Cyclists Make

Biking down a mountainous trail is nothing short of an adventure sport. For those who love to get on that saddle and get their adrenaline pumping, there is virtually nothing that can stop them from achieving their goal. However, biking unprepared can be quite dangerous. You may think that as long as you have your helmet, it will all be okay, but in reality, there are many other safety concerns that rookie cyclists often overlook.

Today, we will discuss some of the common mistakes that rookie cyclists make and propose measures to correct them. This guide lets you go from rookie biker to pro cyclist quickly!


Amidst the thrill of riding your bicycle, what you may overlook is how much you are exerting yourself. Overtraining is a serious problem for many athletes and sports enthusiasts because they believe there is no end to training properly. Unfortunately, the body can only take so much stress, and after a point, you risk muscle fatigue and other serious health issues.

Just like any other sports activity, biking would require you to have specific recovery days in your schedule too. Make sure you rest up and perform lower body exercises on these recovery days. If anything, this will only improve your performance.

Skipping Bike Fitting

This is something even many pros are guilty of. Usually, if you purchase a bicycle, you get it online or from the store and fix the saddle as per your height. You eyeball it, and everything looks good. But then every part of your body hurts after just one session with your new bike. Ever wondered why?

This is a bit hit-and-miss, but it is worthwhile to note anyway. It is always better to see a professional fitter before you get a bike- especially if you are looking to bike across uneven terrain. A fitter will consider aerodynamics and give you the best of both comfort and performance. This way, you will be able to avoid some of the most common injuries cyclists face.

Riding Without Hand Gloves

Hand gloves are more than just a protective feature for cyclists. Professional cyclists never leave their homes without hand gloves. Wearing these allows you to have a good and proper grip on the handlebars, which improves your performance. Moreover, they also make you far

more comfortable by absorbing sweat and keeping your hands dry. And of course, in case you fall, they shield your hands.

Not Wearing Sunglasses

It sounds like something you usually won’t forget, right? Believe it or not, many cyclists often forget to take their sunglasses with them. Firstly, these protect against harmful UV rays from the Sun while cycling in hot and sunny weather. Cyclists can also experience irritation in their eyes from dust, insects, small particles, or even sweat or rain. Having the right pair of sunglasses will shield your eyes against all this and help you perform better.

Not Adjusting The Saddle

Something many cyclists fail to do is adjust the saddle on their bikes to their height. The height of the saddle will depend on the height of the cyclist. The right saddle will allow for greater efficiency and help you maintain your balance, while the wrong saddle will make you exert more force, tiring you quickly.

Make sure that the saddle is at length with your hip when you stand straight next to your bicycle. Your toes should touch the ground while you are on your saddle. This is the ideal cycling position.

If you want to improve your performance without overexerting yourself, make sure you have made a note of all these points. After all, it is all about enjoying the ride and making memories as you go by.

A gracious thank you to our author Michael Singleton, the Content Editor at BarBend.

Martin’s Spring Training

If you only know one thing about Holland, chances are pretty good that one thing is Tulip Time. We love to celebrate our tulips here, and since 2019 I’ve hosted the Tulip Century as a way of marking the arrival of spring. We ride 100 miles on some of the best roads in the area, and when we’re done, we gaze lovingly at the giant tulip we’ve drawn via GPS on the map. And of course, the route passes through some of Holland’s Tulip Lanes on the way through town.

Spring is also my favorite time of year to do hill repeats. It’s all too often I get excited to ride outside in the sunshine only to realize that it’s 40 degrees with 80mph wind. Rather than grind around one of my regular loops feeling sorry for myself, I’ve taken to turning these into days for hill reps. It’s a great way to stay warm and motivated at the same time! Try making a game for yourself, like “how much elevation gain can I accumulate in an hour,” or “can I complete 3 reps of every hill in the neighborhood?” I’m always looking for simple goals like this to keep rides interesting-what mini riding challenges do you like to set for yourself?

Thank you to our 2023 Iceman Ambassador Martin Harris @uncle.martin

Spring Training Tip

After ending a busy season on the Fat bike it usually takes me a while to transition from the Fat bike and indoor trainer season to outdoor riding on the MTB/Gravel bike. It’s my first year riding a Gravel bike and I absolutely love the opportunity to get a lot of gravel miles in on the endless Michigan dirt roads. I’m heading out my front door and the next gravel road is just around the block. A week long trip in March is always something for me to look forward to when the new season starts. I’m usually spending it “down South”, somewhere between, NC, TN and AL. This year I spent time with team mates in and around Asheville, NC and Slade, KY. It’s a great way to wake up those legs and get used to outdoor riding again, as the weather is usually nice and warm where it is still winter in Michigan. Putting in extra miles and getting a good amount of climbing in is an extra motivational boost for me to start spring training. It’s usually a great time with friends and gets my mindset back to summer riding.

Thank you to our 2023 Iceman Ambassador Nina Waschenfelder @ninasmtblife

What does spring training look like?

Spring is finally here, and for many cyclists like me, that means it’s time to hit the gravel roads and trails again. After a long winter of indoor training (not a lot of fat biking this year), there’s nothing quite like getting outside and feeling the sun on your face.

This time of year, I am juggling a full work schedule with the desire to get outside on local gravel roads and single track. I like to get a couple of early season gravel races in March or April and use them as a good test for all the indoor winter training.

This year I have a spring full of gravel events that keep me motivated. Next up is Cowpie EX endurance226 miles in May, Unbound 200 in June and one my favorite ultra gravel events Michigan Coast 2 Coast in June.

I like to pick events that make you dig deep and find those dark spots that you can push through to the finish. There is something about realizing that you can find that limit and realizing you can do a lot more!

Here are some of my favorite ways and spots to ride in the spring, along with some spring-related training tips to help you make the most of your cycling season.

1. Explore local parks and trails: One of the best ways to enjoy the spring weather is to explore your local parks and trails. Here in West Michigan, we have miles of singletrack and gravel roads to explore, with some tasty bakery stops for those that end up near Smyrna, make sure to stop into Otsico Bakery (one of my favorite stops!).

2. Find a friend or join a group ride: Riding with a group can be a great way to meet other cyclists, learn new routes, and have fun. Look for local cycling clubs or groups in your area and see if they offer spring rides for riders of all levels.

3. Take on a new challenge: Spring is the perfect time to set new cycling goals for yourself. Whether it’s completing a century ride, trying a new discipline like gravel or mountain biking, or working on your speed and endurance, spring is a great time to start exploring new adventures.

4. Focus on building endurance: As the weather warms up, you can gradually increase your mileage and work on building your base fitness. Start with shorter rides and gradually add more distance as your fitness improves.

5. Incorporate interval training: Interval training is a great way to improve your cycling fitness and speed. Incorporate short bursts of high-intensity efforts into your rides to challenge your body and build your cardiovascular fitness.

6. Don’t forget about recovery: As you ramp uptraining in the spring, it’s important to give your body time to recover. Make sure to incorporate rest days into the training schedule and take care of your body with proper nutrition and hydration.

Spring is an excellent time to get back on your bike and explore the world around you. Some of the best routes are the ones we have not yet ridden. So get out there, enjoy the sunshine, and happy riding!

Thank you to our 2023 Iceman Ambassador Tobi Tungl @tobitungl

Get comfortable off the trail!

Spring is one of my favorite seasons in Michigan cycling. Everyone emerges from their winter basement “pain caves” and heads out to hit the trails. Then, there’s a damper (literally)–the trails are wet! In West Michigan, we have some sandy trails that drain well, but many of our trails are a clay base that can take weeks to dry out. Throw the “April Showers” that actually extend from March to May in the mix, and trail closures abound. Going back to the basement isa tough sell after a solid four months of trainer riding. You know what dries out fast and never closes? That’s right, road and gravel.

Spring is a great time to start getting friendly with that other bike that’s been hanging out in the garage. If you don’t have a gravel bike, never fear. I’ve found that some 42 slicks on my mountain bike adapt it to a very capable gravel rig. My favorite way to hit the road or gravel in the spring is in a group ride. The greater Grand Rapids area has an abundance of group rides come spring. It can actually become tough to choose between groups! Group riding is a great way to become acclimated to surges that you aren’t expecting. In solo training and riding, you may plan for those 1-5 minute hard efforts. However, there is something to be said for having that “option” taken out of your hands. I find I am much more comfortable racing and responding to hard segments the trail throws at me after I have spent some time having my heart rate elevated by moves I didn’t plan.

Another benefit of group riding is the social aspect. Riding with friends is always more fun! Sometimes a road ride can feel like it drags on. Usually if Igo out with a group, I am so busy chatting that I feel like I’ve only been out for forty minutes when we pull back into the parking lot.

Another aspect I appreciate about group riding is the increase in bike handling skills. While we may not be racing iceman in a pack of thirty riders, riding in a group on road or gravel is still very beneficial. Group riding lets you find the “sweet spot” of drafting, and become more comfortable with this skill that will save energy on the two track or forest road sections at Iceman.

So how do you find a group ride near you? Luckily, Facebook has made it easy as many groups will post “events”. If Facebook isn’t your jam, I recommend checking out your local bike shop. Many host a group ride, or sponsor a team that does. Your local bike shop has their finger on the pulse of local rides and is an excellent resource for you! Don’t forget to buy your gear there, too. Our local bike shops deserve our support!

Thank you to our 2023 ambassador Elaine Sheikh @elaine_muskrat

2023 Iceman Gear Store Open

2023 Bell’s Iceman Cometh Gear is now available for sale. This year, the Bell’s Cometh Iceman Challenge Gear spotlights Bell’s Two Hearted IPA. 2023 Bell’s Iceman Cometh Gear is inspired by Bell’s Two Hearted IPA. And just like the American IPA, our gear is suited for adventures everywhere, including the 30 miles of the Bell’s Iceman Cometh Challenge Course. Any 2023 Gear ordered will be shipped in the fall or available for pick up at the Iceman Expo.

Grab a Bell’s and get shopping!

No matter what, have fun!

Probably the best piece of training advice I can give is the simplest one: at the end of the day, we’re here to have fun riding our bikes! Hopefully things go perfectly and you achieve all your goals. That’s fun for sure! But chances are not everything will go perfectly. Maybe nothing will go as planned. In that unfortunate event, just promise yourself to learn from the lessons your experience brings so you can benefit from them the following year. Then, drop your shoulders, smile, and keep going! Enjoy the scenery and revel in the exuberance of the crowds and your fellow riders. Most of all, no matter what, be nice to race organizers and officials – and no matter what, thank every volunteer you see! Without them there would be no race!

Meet the author: Kurt Schaldenbrand has been racing bicycles since 1983. He’s been a licensed coach working with competitive and developmental cyclists since 1990 and has been head coach for the University of Michigan Cycling team since 2012.

The Iceman team wants to thank Kurt Schaldenbrand for his training tips series, we hope that you learned something from it! Although this is the last installment of his training series, rest assured this won’t be the last we hear from Kurt! And don’t worry we have a lot of exciting things coming your way! For the rest of April, you can expect to meet our influencers, catch up on another episode of Rider Radio The Iceman Cometh Challenge Podcast, and get a sneak peek at the 2023 Iceman Gear! So keep your eyes on our social feeds and we will see you in the woods…