We’ve all seen or heard the phrase, “you’ll never regret a workout.” When I hear that from someone, I wonder if they have ever had an overuse injury. I’ve had far too many injuries to find truth in that phrase. From multiple stress fractures, to low back pain, to the multiple orthopedic surgeries I’ve gone through for both my hips, knees, and one of my ankles, I have surely suffered the consequences of overworking my body. I can also assume that if you decided to read this blog after seeing the title, you probably know that feeling too.
I used to be a “no days off” type of person. I would have anxiety over scheduled rest days or sometimes even easy ride days. I blew through recovery weeks in fear of losing fitness and thought I was invincible – until I wasn’t. Hard workout days would become forced rest weeks or months on end due to major injuries. We live in a society that makes us feel bad for not doing enough in all aspects and it can sometimes be hard to look past that. If you truly put in some HARD work, we can make our largest gains in fitness during recovery days or weeks to allow our bodies to heal and recover from the repetitive microtrauma we have subjected ourselves to during grueling rides and workouts. If you’re smart, you’ll learn to love those recovery and rest days. And if you already love recovery days, KUDOS (I’ll give you kudos on STRAVA for that embarrassingly slow paced recovery ride every time) to you!

Thank you to our 2024 Iceman Ambassador Allyson Klug @allysonklug